

This is the second observation. I watched many organisms that I have watched last week, but there are still something that I haven't noticed last time.
1. There are more single cells I observed today.They are very small and transparent. They move very quickly.
2. Last week, I only observed one epistylis while I observed many epistylises this week.
3. There are more halteria this week than last week.
4. There are two kinds of rotifer in my MA. One is shell-shaped with a tail. The other one is longer and has two thin tails. There are a great number of rotifer in my MA.
5. I found some algae which is brown. But I also found that there are still some "blue-gree" algae which are "Oscillatoria" in my MA. There are less oscillatoria this week.
6. What's interesting is that I observed the meiosis of paramecium today. They were linked at one side and then separated quickly into two pieces of strings.
7. I have taken some pictures from which I found two new organisms that I haven't observed last week. These new organisms are called "Pelomyxa" and "Difflugia"
Pelomyxa: like a sun, has mant filaments around it.
Difflugia: like a bud.
8. Gastreotricha(Gastrotrichs)
"Its color is brownish to transparent. Its head has three distinct lobes and two pairs of tufts. Its body is covered with tiny scales. and has two posterior curved sprongs.(177)"
G.Rainis, Kenneth and Bruce J.Russell, "Guide to Microlife".
9. Another organism that can been seen often is belong to Cilia, but I don't know its name yet. I will ask Dr. McFarland next Tuesday.
This is the unknown cilia.
